Caen's Lair

Welcome to my Lair! >:3

You thought I wasn't crazy enough to do this, didn't you! Well joke's on you, I am the proud holder of an OCD diagnosis and a card carrying social-media hater. When abibo kicks it I don't want all my stuff to be gone, nor do I think linking everyone to a google doc individually is an acceptable long term solution.
So, on this page you will find hopefully all my Tump.exe related activities in one place. Or in two places I guess, considering I don't indend for this to replace the wiki.

Please note that dates are given in day/month/year format always!

Take a look at the updating EXE4 cheatsheet here!


It's so over for me. I've spent like half my vacation fantasizing about a SiMira gothic novel set in the early 1900s on Juist where they come for the curative properties of seaside resorts but end up in a slightly supernatural tragedy. OUGH. Reeds in the wind at night, algae on red brick, mysteriously quiet local staff who speak a foreign language and a ghost ship on the beach- are you seeing my vision?

Thank you Tagrasso for sponsoring this site!

RE: leave a light on for me

girl help I was intending to write a horror story but it's increasingly looking like the real horror is social awkwardness and nostalgia :0
honestly no idea how long this fic will be, but gods willing it will only span about a week of time in-universe. What could go wrong, right? Haha right??

Please feel extremely welcome to make suggestions for this site. I'm enjoying building it, even though it's simple & partly based on other people's free resources, and would like to expand it :>
Also if you know how to make a comment box without soliciting external services do tell lol


Support this website by becoming its sponsor to have your personal advertisements displayed here! Just contact Caen with your pledge and desired banner ad and enjoy a steady stream of interested potential customers!


me rn & also every day

If there were two guys on the moon & one of them killed the other with a rock, would that be fucked up or what?