welcome to my twisted spine
This page is for all my assorted EXE junk. If it's not a fic or a product of affirmational fandom, you'll find it here!
Let's find out together how many images go in a free neocities account uwu
What will I do next!
Does the Wiki count?
The second official* Tump.exe character sexyman bracket!
The first official* Tump.exe character sexyman bracket!
Meet the Tumps of Tump.exe 3!
Seven edits for the presumably commercially available modules of Tump.exe 3.
Tump Tarot
The Fool | The Magician | The High Priestess | The Empress | |
The Emperor | The Hierophant | The Lovers | The Chariot | |
Justice | Strength | The Hermit | Wheel of Fortune | |
The Hanged Man | Death | Temperance | The Devil | |
The Tower | The Star | The Moon | The Sun | |
Judgement | The World |
The Descent Beckons as the Ascent Beckoned
July 2021
A few hundred words about the BKA's ruling class losing its grip on its people.