Caen's Lair

eucharist (22.02.2023)

"You will be of me as I am of you", Cris says in his ear, and the words make all the hair at the nape of his neck stand up. Swaying, Tex is drunk on the blood loss, barely able to see where Cris has brought him in the dim moonlight. All he knows is that his wrist brushes against a velvet cushion as his body is moved, and it feels like every individual fibre is scraping unpleasantly against his tender skin.

Cris hoists him up and then he thinks he's lying on his chest, but he isn't sure until a hand comes to hold the back of his neck, pushing his face into the crook of Cris' neck. It's warm, there are fingers in his hair, and he shudders. The muscles in his back shudder and contract as though the warmth were running down his spine like a wave.
Tex can smell blood on him. Tex can smell his own blood on him.

The hand pushes insistently and Tex obeys, his nose crushing clumsily against Cris' neck as he clamps his jaws around the muscle above his clavicle. The body under him twitches, and he bites down harder, drawing blood. He's at a disadvantage here, without fangs.
It wells up warm and sharp. Most of it gets on his chin but he's so far beyond letting that bother him. He pulls back minutely and the hand on the back of his head lets him, falling limp, and he licks.

It tastes like blood, at first. Unpleasantly tart, sort of tacky, like it's coating the back of throat. Then he starts to like it, starts to want it. It doesn't taste good, exactly, but it tastes like he's starving and it's the only thing that will sate him. Unexpectedly (unconsciously) he regains command of his limbs and one hand clenches in Cris' shirt to hold him down as the other splays on his shoulder, pushing his collar out of the way.

Cris sighs and starts running his hands down Tex' spine, and it's electrifying, and it's all-encompassing, and his head is spinning. His head is spinning and he notices he can see only to find black spots eating his vision, and then he notices that he can't see anymore, again.
The last thing that he hears before he slips under is Cris' voice in his ear again, so close it's almost in his head. He can't make out what he's saying, but it's just as well. He'll have a lot of time to listen to him once he wakes up. A lot of time.