Caen's Lair

untitled (01.11.2022)

In the company's classes they'd always emphasised the importance of understanding as the basis scientific advancement. Of course, looking back this seems ironic with how much they'd kept all the students in the dark about absolutely everything, and of course, 'scientific advancement' in their eyes would be best described as creating the testing ground for the personal goals of a perpertual motion machine of manmade horrors.
But what gets drilled into you with such persistence sticks with you, and to the company's credit, once you understand their meaning, they were certainly - tragically - right. Without a thorough understanding of the human mind, won by terrible means as it was, they most certainly could not have achieved any of their 'scientific advancements'.
What they never taught her is that it does not matter whether a witness understands as long as their hands are tied. They likely didn't mean to also teach her that their goals were never worth any of it, or that sometimes understanding itself is dangerous.