Caen's Lair

untitled (14.06.2023)

Alec stops next to the love seat Tump is lounging in to stare down at him disapprovingly.

"What are you wearing."

"What, are you hitting on me?", Tump asks, shutting his book. A mischievous grin breaks out on his face when Alec's frown deepens.

"Your shirt. Why does it have an elephant on it."

"It's a mammoth, I think," Rin weighs in from across the lobby coffee table, though Alec doesn't acknowledge her.
Tump looks down at his shirt and shrugs.

"I like the way it looks?"

"It looks like you're in grade school."

"And you look like a grade school teacher, I don't see what the big deal here is."

Alec's mouth twists like he's bitten into something sour, but he turns and stalks off without replying. They can clearly hear him muttering something about 'childish fools' as he turns into the hallway.

"I think it looks nice too," Rin says quietly, and Tump gives her a brilliant smile. At least someone here is on his side.