Caen's Lair

untitled (04.09.2022)

"you're only trying to aggravate me", Tex ground out, his mustache twitching. In a private fucked up little way, Le Tymp enjoyed seeing him upset. It made the simulated space around him crackle and glitch, a digital manifestation of his power like the thick electrified air of a storm rolling in.

"is it working?", he asked cheerfully, leaning forward into Tex' field of vision in a way he knew the AI would find annoying.
The grin died on his lips when he was suddenly slammed back into a wall by a hand around his throat. Le Tymp was quite certain that wall had not been there before. How kind of Tex to shift the digital reality around them just for his benefit!

The places his hand touched him felt hot like they were burning, the grip tight enough to be choking without actually cutting off his airways. He was finding it harder to breathe than normal for other reasons anyway.

"take a guess", Tex growled, pushing his face so close up to him their mustaches nearly touched, and Le Tymp squirmed a little, pleased. It wasn't like the other AI could have actually done any damage to him via choking, considering breathing was really more of a choice for both of them.

"that's kinda hot"