Caen's Lair

untitled (29.09.2022)

It had started with curiosity, for Le Tymp. Of course Tex could not rival him in villainy (no one could), but there was merit to every monster. This curiosity had brought him to the wonderful realisation that winding up Tex was very easy, and also an exploit he engaged in with great enthusiasm - which in turn was how he'd learned that he enjoyed having his hand around his throat rather a little too much.

Of course it had never been about curiosity for the AI, even with him being uniquely unable to comsume Le Tymp the way he did to everyone else in his path. The need drove him with unquenchable thirst, a core tenet of his being. If he could have consumed Le Tymp the first time they'd met, he wouldn't be here now, sprawled on Pristum's abandoned throne with Tex on his lap, yanking his head forward by his half open collar.
The AI's hands hold him down as Tex mouths at his jaw, sinking glitching, tingling teeth into his neck, making new bite marks to join the ones on the insides of his wrists and thighs.

He makes a noise deep in his throat, his red eyes open but unseeing - this sensory input is currently at the very bottom of the priorities list with the attention.

Le Tymp knows very well that the second they could, those teeth would tear him apart without hesitation, with unwavering zeal. He knows, and he likes the thought a little too much. By Pristum's crumbling chapel he thinks, if curiosity is coming to kill him for it he'll happily get on all fours and meow.