Caen's Lair

The first official* Tump.exe character sexyman bracket!

This site looks better on mobile now :D
I'm still not entirely happy with it, but yay!

  Candidate   Round 1   Round 2   Round 3   Finale   Description  
  04   1 vote   -   -   -   The Tump.exe 2 module known as 04 is essentially an AI copy of a younger c!Tump, which makes for a very emotionally charged central character. He is torn apart brutally at the end of the game, but survives in the narrative like a ghost in little snatches.  
  BaT   3 votes   1 vote   -   -   Build a Tump, cutely abbreviated to BaT, is the product of the players' attempt to recreate c!Tump to help them survive Tump.exe 2 in the absence of the real deal. He is obliviously cheerful and sports demon horns, wings and a tail. He leads an army of armed tea cups into battle and has recently been horrifically eaten alive. Rip.  
  Caen   1 vote   -   -   -   Caen is at least 50% violence and hatred, which one might argue gives her a certain air of coolness. With all the trauma she's perhaps aloofly sarcastic enough to meet the criteria of sexyman-ness.  
  Crazy Tump   0 votes   -   -   -   Crazy Tump is a module of Tump.exe 3 and partially based on none other than Red. He has a charmingly confusing manor filled with animal butlers, bizarre pettable skeletons and handcrafted weaponry, and he's got a classic Alice in Wonderland type aesthetic going on.  
  Furry Tump   3 votes   1 vote   -   -   An incarnation of Furry Tump has so far appeared in every version of the system, although he is updated to better fit the times every with every one. I suppose furries are a big enough market for the tech industwy that catewing an AI assistant pwogwam specificalwwy to them pays uwu  
  Le Tymp   5 votes   4 votes   4 votes   4 votes   Le Tymp is a c!Tump-original antagonist and the most specialest boy ever created. He has an affinity for coffee (as opposed to tea like all other Tumps) and is very adamant that he is the definitive main villain of the whole series. Have I mentioned the striking red eyes and the canonical self-mythologizing stage play? What a guy.  
  Plectum   4 votes   4 votes   4 votes   1 vote   Plectum is one of the main antagonists of the series, and arguably one of the more sadistically cruel ones, too. He's overflowing with emotion, and a good 90% of it is anger. He has a habit for letting that out on others, and that's not even getting into all the puppetmaster-ing. Tragically in love and thematically british, what more can one ask for. You could make him worse  
  Pristum   2 votes   -   -   -   Pristum is one of the main antagonists of the series, especially in Tump.exe 3 in which a good chunk of the focus is devoted to exploring his seriously fatal god-complex. Not only has he killed people, he's also created a whole cast of his own supporting characters from their scattered remains. Also: wings. Need I say more?  
  Pristum.exe   3 votes   1 vote   -   -   Pristum.exe is a program built by Pristum to mirror Tump.exe, but behaves characteristically different. It is filled to the brim with resentful trapped souls and religious imagery, though disappointingly it does not taunt the unfortunate user verbally.  
  Red   3 votes   1 vote   -   -   Red, the emotional core of much of the story, especially Tump.exe 2, is just trying to rescue their friend, goddamnit. Their investment in the people around them is tearing them apart from both ends like a christmas cracker, and the fireworks are a sight to behold.  
  Reyleth   2 votes   -   -   -   Reyleth is a module on loan from Tump's otherwise unrelated fantasy world Aztral who attempts to play the part of a regular butler in Tump.exe 3. He comes across a lot more human than most modules and has a certain sympathetic swaglessness.  
  Tex   3 votes   4 votes   1 vote   -   Tex is an AI creation of Pristum's, who essentially operates like a glorified virus. His driving impulse is to Consume, which depending on your own sanity you might read erotically or not. His bold self assuredness and evil nature (as well as slight pathetic-ness when at a disadvantage) are sure to be perceived as alluring in a sexyman setting.  
  Theo   2 votes   -   -   -   Theo, properly Theodore la Lilian vi Lightborn (aka Black Light), legally Chuuni Tump, is a module of Tump.exe 3. He is a desperately isolated teenager making up his own world to be very cool in. Without a doubt THE character for anyone looking for an unproblematic little meow meow.  
  Tump   2 votes   -   -   -   Ah, c!Tump, the original lynchpin to the whole ordeal. His poor little mind forms the basis for the system and most characters in it, and nowadays he sneaks around foiling evil plans and trying to help his friends. He is essentially real Tump, but more powerful 😔  
  Tump.exe   2 votes   -   -   -   Tump.exe, the hateable AI running the show. He's presumably based on c!Tump himself but seems to have inherited only his most annoying qualities. Perhaps some erotic fandom appeal can be found even in a semi-canon system gijinka.  
  YanTump   4 votes   4 votes   1 vote   -   YanTump is less than a shadow of his former self, digitalized reduced to the most literal interpretation of a yandere character through torture. One can only occasionally catch glimpses of who he used to be. He perhaps fits the trope of sexyman in the most textbook way of all, as terrible as it is to admit.  

*not actually official